Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Day 19

Brunch - 207 calories

1 Itsu Spicy Tuna Maki box - 151 calories
Half a Banana - 56 calories

Dinner - 292 calories

150 grams of Turkey Breast, diced - 150 calories

1 Whole Pepper (155 grams) - 54 calories
50 grams of Courgette - 15 calories
25 grams of Spring Onions - 7 calories
25 grams of Sweet Corn - 30 calories
2 slices of Wafer Thin Smoked Ham - 24 calories
5 grams of Bouillon Stock - 12 calories

Grand Total - 499 calories 

Exercise - 60-minute Personal Trainer session

And how did it go?

And the award to the most random dish goes to this Turkey and Vegetable Stuffed Pepper. I have no idea what come over me when I was cooking this one, I had never made Turkey or Stuffed Peppers before in my life (as it shows), but it turned out great somehow. I had a lot of things in my fridge that needed using, so I just combined all of them together with the Turkey Breasts that I was convinced to buy in the supermarket after looking at the calorie count for them.

I was planning on doing something completely different with the turkey, my own 5:2-friendly version of this recipe, but when I couldn't find aubergine in my local shop, I thought of that lone orange pepper, sitting in my fridge, doing nothing and decided to use it instead.

I find that most fast days lately haven't been a chore at all, I don't even feel hungry at the 5 o'clock mark anymore. They turned into completely normal days. Whenever I am on a fast day, my boyfriend (bless him!) tries to be really careful around food when I am near, but I honestly don't mind seeing food that I can't eat. I do find that I can smell food from a greater distance when I am fasting and tell exactly what it is. Odd how your body works, no? I wonder if it my hunter-gatherer instincts kicking in... 

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